fredag 20. august 2010


Her sitter Astrid og jeg foran scenen. Det er meg i rød stol
Here Astrid and me are sitting in front of the stage. I am in the red chair.

Ja hva kan man si. Jeg kjøpte festivalpass for å støtte opp om det som skjer i Trondheim, men i utangspunktet var det bare Stage Dolls som var interessant. Og så kunne det jo være artig å få med seg Postgirobygget. Resten var bare greit å få med seg allikevel.
Well, what can I say. I bought myt festival pass to support local events here in Trondheim, but basically it was only Stage Dolls that were of interest for me. And I thoght it might be fun to see Postgirobygget too. The rest was ok.

Når vi ankom på tirsdag var det vel 20 andre der, i løpet av kvelden kom vi kanskje opp i 150-200 stk. altså litt andre proposjoner enn Sonisphere med sine 47200 stk.
When we arrived Tuesday it was 20 other persons there, and during the evening we managed to be between 150 and 200 persons. Some other proportions than Sonisphere with 47200 people.

Men jeg må jo si at man merket ikke på Stage Dolls at det var så lite folk der. De ga alt uansett. Onsdag ble det etterhvert så kaldt og hustrig at vi valgte å dra hjem før hovedartistene.
But I have to say that Stage Dolls gave everything anyway. Wednesday the wind was increasing at it was chilly. We left before the headliner went on stage.

Manglende interesse og billettsalg gjorde at artister og sceneansvarlig tok ansvar og rigget ned hele arrangement onsdag kveld, og avlyste alle artister på fredag, også Postgirobygget.
A lack of interest for the festival and tickets was the leading reason for why the stage management and artist closed down the festival Wednesday, one day early, and by that action also the concert with Postgirobygget.

Jeg har sagt hva jeg mener om saken til en journalist i Adresseavisen, og legger ved link til artikkelen her.
I have said my opinion to a journalist from nour local newspaper, and add a link to the article here. For English-reading followers, the basic in this article is that I think it is sad that the locals do not participate in events like this, and that I do not expect to get a refund on my money. And some about how I experienced the concerts and the festival all in all.

Artikkel i lokalavisen

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